Leif Leewin Lagrimas

Leif Leewin Lagrimas

Operations Manager

Leif Leewin Lagrimas is Eliteinsure’s operations manager since July of 2022. However, he has been managing and overseeing company operations with the managing director, Sumit Monga since April of 2017.

He has a degree in both law and education and a strong background in customer service and sales. He believes in the saying “Leadership is action, not position.”  He thinks that people follow the actions of the leader, not his words.

His goal is to ensure stability and growth in the company so that it can continue to help more people, Kiwis and non-Kiwis alike, and that it can make a difference in other people’s lives.


27C Mauranui Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 1051, New Zealand

0508 123 467  |  admin@eliteinsure.co.nz

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