Omar Khay Margen

Omar Khay Margen

Lead IT Support

Omar Khay Margen was appointed as IT Lead Support in 2022. He offers 6 years’ experience in IT industry environment, focused on web development, and cyber security. His past projects allowed him and his previous team to work on software that was being used all over the Philippines. He has challenged himself and offered his expertise outside his country, which has led him to Eliteinsure Ltd.

As an IT Lead Support, he is now leading a team of resourceful and creative individuals in creating, maintaining, and updating Eliteinsure Software. He has this perspective that he’s value is not based on the number of hours, days, months he puts in for the company, but he’s value comes from the output of his service.

Omar firmly believes that the software they are building/maintaining helps not only the staffs/contractors but also the clients in making the process more efficient and providing excellent service. He is motivated knowing that his service is being able to contribute to the company.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas Edison”.


27C Mauranui Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 1051, New Zealand

0508 123 467  |

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