Wilfred Cancio

Wilfred Cancio

Executive Admin Assistant

Wilfred Cancio is currently the Executive Admin Asst. of the Company; he has joined the company on 3rd of   August   2020 as a Data Management Specialist Asst. and promoted to Data Management Team Leader to IT Admin Supervisor to his current position.

As an Executive Admin Asst., he oversees the operations of both Data Specialist Department and IT Department since he has experienced and knowledgeable from his previous positions in the company on both departments and he has task in Commissions, Compliance, Quality Assurance, Record Keeping among other task and generally assist the Operations Manager on the day-to-day basis.

Working in Eliteinsure is a challenge worth taking on and seeing the Company grow more motivates him knowing he also contributed to that growth, and he sees himself working for Eliteinsure in the years to come. 

“A conquered challenge is no longer a challenge.”


27C Mauranui Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 1051, New Zealand

0508 123 467  |  admin@eliteinsure.co.nz

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